Expertise and Experience

McKinley Consulting has a wide area of expertise, gained over many decades in the industry and can manage projects of any size.

Repository programme planning

Development and integration of R&D programmes, participation in top-level technical advisory committees, development of advanced programme management tools.

Repository Programme Planning Repository Programme Planning


Major management role in developing the Nagra geological disposal programme from the late 1980s until the mid 2000s, continuous support of key organisations involved in Japanese disposal programmes (PNC / JNC / JAEA, JNFL, NUMO) and recent support of development of concepts for managing waste from Fukushima regional cleanup and decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi site.

Support in planning and implementation of the NUMO Technical Advisory Committees (ITAC – secretary; TAC – co-chair). Support of JAEA / NUMO in development and application of advanced Knowledge and Requirements Management Systems and associated technical quality assurance (now being transferred to other programmes, such as UK NDA).


Based on a major management role in developing the Nagra geological disposal programme from the late 1980s until the mid 2000s, Ian and the team have provided continuous support of key organisations involved in Japanese disposal programmes (PNC/JNC/JAEA, JNFL, NUMO) and recent support of development of concepts for managing waste from Fukushima regional cleanup and decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi site. Support also includes planning and implementation of the NUMO Technical Advisory Committees (ITAC – secretary; TAC – co-chair), which provide technical review of the Japanese geological disposal programme.


Relevant publications include:

  • Kawamura, H., Yashio, S. and McKinley, I.G. (2017). Decommissioning and environmental remediation scenario development for Fukushima Daiichi. ATW Int. J. Nuc. Power, 62, 445-450, also Proc. Topsafe 2017.
  • Tsuchi H., Kitayama K., Deguchi A., Takahashi Y., Ohe T., McCombie C. and McKinley I.G. (2010). Experience with Technical Advisory Groups in the Japanese HLW Disposal Programme, Proc. ICEM`09, (CD-ROM: data/pdfs/s52/ICEM2009-16290f), 5 pp.
  • Umeki H., Naito M., Makino H., Osawa H., Nakano, K., Miyamoto, Y. and McKinley I.G. (2007). Establishing priorities for HLW R&D in the 21st century. Proc. 15th ICONE, 8.
  • McKinley I.G. and Zuidema P. (1999). Integrated planning of laboratory, in-situ, modelling and natural analogue studies in the Swiss radioactive waste management programme. Proc. Internat. Symp. Technologies for the management of radioactive waste from nuclear power plants and back end nuclear fuel cycle activities, IAEA/SM 357/52.
  • McKinley I.G. and McCombie C. (1996). High level radioactive waste management in Switzerland: status 1995. Geological problems in radioactive waste isolation: Second worldwide review, P.A. Witherspoon (ed), Report LBL-38915, pp223-231.
  • McCombie C., Lambert A. and McKinley I.G. (1993). Swiss strategy for developing a high-level waste disposal system, Proc. Int. Symp. on Geological Disposal of Spent Fuel, High-level and Alpha-bearing Wastes, Antwerp, IAEA, Vienna, pp. 365-373.
  • McCombie C., Issler H. and McKinley I.G. (1990). High level waste disposal in Switzerland. Proc. 1989 Joint International Waste Management Conference, Kyoto (Slate S.C., Kohout R., Suzuki A., eds), Vol. 2, 399-402.

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CH 5408, Switzerland
Phone Number
+41 56 2840 321
+41 78 8658 886 (mobile)