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With many years of comprehensive knowledge and experience in multi-disciplined fields

Dr Helen Grogan

  • Position: Associate Consultant
  • Expertise: Dose reconstruction, Risk assessment, Transport modelling, Development of data management applications
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr Helen Ann Grogan trained as a radioecologist and has 3 decades of experience evaluating exposure and health risk to the public from radionuclides and chemicals in the environment.


Helen has served on committees for the International Atomic Energy Agency, United Nations, National Academy of Sciences, the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Council on Radiation Protection.
Helen presently works closely with Risk Assessment Corporation (www.racteam.com) assuming responsibilities for the technical aspects of projects and undertakes independent projects as time permits.

Career highlights include:

  • Contribution to reconstruction of public exposures and risks from historical releases of radionuclides and chemicals from nuclear weapon production facilities in the USA including Rocky Flats in Colorado, the Savannah River Site in South Carolina, and the Hanford Nuclear Facility in Washington, and from former uranium processing facilities at Uravan, Colorado and Apollo, Pennsylvania.
  • Quantifying organ-specific cancer incidence risk and its uncertainty following exposure to plutonium from inhalation and ingestion
  • Development of data management applications that facilitate access to and use of environmental measurement data for a variety of applications, ranging from basic data evaluation to more complex analyses including dose/risk assessment and decision making. 

  • Development of scientific methods and decision support tools to guide efforts to reduce public exposures and environmental impacts from existing exposures.

  • Participation in BIOMOVS, the first international cooperative effort to test computer models developed to predict the fate and transport of radionuclides in the environment, and chairing one of the test scenarios.

  • Assisting in developing an International Features, Events and Processes (FEP) Database for the Nuclear Energy Agency, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, France used in the performance assessment of radioactive waste disposal systems.

  • Co-editor of Radiological Risk Assessment and Environmental Analysis (Oxford University Press, 2008) and author/co-author of more than 70 open technical publications (papers, reports, articles and book chapters).


Till, J.E. and H.A. Grogan (editors). 2008. Radiological Risk Assessment and Environmental Analysis. Oxford University Press, New York.

National Research Council of the National Academies. 2006. Review of the Worker and Public Health Activities Program Administered by the Department of Energy and the Department of Health and Human Services. Review Committee Members–Przybylowicz, E.P (Chair), E.H. Clark II, I. Feller, P. Fenner-Crisp, R.W. Field, S.M. Friedman, H.A. Grogan, J. Mandel, G. Paulson, R.K. Sokas, D.O. Stram, T. Zheng. The National Academies Press, Washington, DC.

Institute of Medicine and National Research Council. 2014. Research on Health Effects of Low-Level Ionizing Radiation Exposure: Opportunities for the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Till, J.E., H.L. Beck, J.W. Aanenson, H.A. Grogan, H.J. Mohler, S.S. Mohler, P.G. Voillequé. 2014. Military Participants at U.S. Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons Testing-Methodology for Estimating Dose and Uncertainty. Radiat Res. 181, 471 – 484.

J.E. Till, H.A. Grogan, H.J. Mohler, J.R. Rocco, S.S. Mohler. 2012. “An Integrated Approach to Data Management, Risk Assessment, and Decision Making.” Health Physics, 102 (4), April.

Mohler, H.J., H.A. Grogan, J.R. Rocco, R.F. Kiefer, and J.E. Till. 2012. RACER: Dynamic Use of Environmental Measurement Data for Decision Making and Communication. Operational Radiation Safety, Vol. 102, Suppl 1. February.

McKinley, I.G., H.A. Grogan and L.E. McKinley. 2011. Fukushima: Overview of Relevant International Experience. Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Environment 18 (2): 89–100.

National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement (NCRP). 2011. Radiological Health Protection Issues Associated With Use of Active Detection Technology Systems for Detection of Radioactive Threat Materials. NCRP Commentary No. 22. NCRP, Bethesda, MD. September.

Grogan, H.A. 2008. “Model Validation.” Chapter 14 in Radiological Risk Assessment and Environmental Analysis. Oxford University Press, New York. pp. 589-612.

Mohler, H.J., K.R. Meyer, H.A. Grogan, J.W. Aanenson, and J.E. Till. 2004. Application of NCRP Air Screening Factors for Evaluating Both Routine and Episodic Radionuclide Releases to the Atmosphere. Health Physics 86(2): 135–144.

Till, J.E., A.S. Rood, P.G. Voillequé, P.D. McGavran, K.R. Meyer, H.A. Grogan, W.K. Sinclair, J.W. Aanenson, H.R. Meyer, H.J. Mohler, S.K. Rope, and M.J. Case. 2002. Risks to the Pubic from Historical Releases of Radionuclides and Chemicals at the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant. J. Exp. Analysis and Env. Epidemiology 12: 355–372.

Grogan, H.A., W.K. Sinclair, and P.G. Voillequé. 2001. Risks of Fatal Cancer From Inhalation of Plutonium-239,240 By Humans: A Combined Four Method Approach With Uncertainty Evaluation. Health Physics 80(5): 447–461.

Rood, A.S., H.A. Grogan and J.E. Till. 2001. A Model for a Comprehensive Assessment of Exposure and Lifetime Cancer Incidence Risk from Plutonium Released from the Rocky Flats Plant, 1953-1989.  Health Physics 82(2): 182–212.

Little, R.H., H.A. Grogan, G.M. Smith, and C. Torres. 1993. “Land Disposal Practices in Europe and North America.” J. Inst. Water and Environmental Management 7 (4): 354–363.

Nair, S., H.A. Grogan, M.J. Minski, and J.N.B. Bell. 1983. “Models for the Prediction of Doses from the Ingestion of Terrestrial Foods.” In Ecological Aspects of Radionuclide Releases. Edited byP.J. Coughtrey, J.N.B. Bell, and T.M. Roberts. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific. 141–159.

McKinley, I.G. and H.A. Grogan. 1991. “Radionuclide Sorption Databases for Swiss Repository Safety Assessments.” Radiochimica Acta 52/53: 415–420.

McKinley, I.G. and H.A. Grogan. 1991. “Consideration of Microbiology in Modeling the Near-Field of a L/ILW Repository.” Experientia 47: 573–577.

West, J.M., H.A. Grogan, and I.G. McKinley. 1991. “The Role of Microbiology in the Geological Containment of Radioactive Wastes.” In Diversity of Environmental Biogeochemistry. Developments in Geochemistry: 6. Edited by J. Berthelin. Elsevier Science Publishers B V. 205–215.

Van Dorp, F., H.A. Grogan, and C. McCombie. 1989. “Disposal of Radioactive Waste.” International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation Part C. Radiat. Phys. Chem. 34 (2): 337–347

Grogan, H.A. and F. van Dorp. 1988. “The Reliability of Environmental Transfer Models Applied to Waste Disposal.” In Reliability of Radioactive Transfer Models. Edited by G. Deems. Elsevier Applied Science. EUR 11367. 276–284.

Grogan, H.A., N.G. Mitchell, M.J. Minski, and J.N.B. Bell. 1988. “Pathways of Radionuclides from Soils to Wheat.” In Pollutant Transport and Fate in Ecosystems. Edited by P.J. Coughtrey, M.H. Martin, and M.H. Unsworth. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications. 353–370.

Bell, J.N.B., M.J. Minski, and H.A. Grogan. 1988. “Plant Uptake of Radionuclides.” Soil Use and Management 4 (3): 76–84.

Till, J.E., and H.A. Grogan. 2009. It’s the Dose! – Strategies for Environmental Dose Reconstruction and Risk Assessment. Environmental Dose Reconstruction and Risk Assessment for Litigation and Planning Purposes. Phoenix, AZ.

Rood, A.S., B. Jacobs, P. Shanahan, H.J. Mohler, J.W. Aanenson, J.R. Rocco, L. Hay Wilson, H.A. Grogan, and J.E. Till. 2009. “Overview of Environmental Transport Models Contained in the Risk Analysis, Communication, Evaluation, and Reduction (RACER) Software Tools at Los Alamos National Laboratory.” In Proc.Waste Management for the Nuclear Renaissance, March 1-5, 2009, Phoenix, Arizona. Waste Management 2009. www.wmsym.org.

J.E. Till and H.A. Grogan. 2006. “Applied Modeling and Computations in Nuclear Science: the Foundation for Risk Assessment and Decision Making.” In Applied Modeling and Computations in Nuclear Science. ACS Symposium Series 945. Edited by T.M. Semkow, S. Pommé, S.M. Jerome, and D.J. Strome. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC.

H.A. Grogan, J.W. Aanenson, P.D. McGavran, K.R. Meyer, S.S. Mohler, H. J. Mohler, J.R. Rocco, A.S. Rood, J.E. Till and L.H. Wilson. 2006 “Applied Modeling of the Cerro Grande Fire at Los Alamos: An Independent Analysis of Exposure, Health Risk, and Communication with the Public.” In Applied Modeling and Computations in Nuclear Science. ACS Symposium Series 945. Edited by T.M. Semkow, S. Pommé, S.M. Jerome, and D.J. Strome. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC.

Mohler, H.J., J.W. Aanenson, H.A. Grogan, and J.E. Till. 2005. “Creating Spatially-Linked Data and Risk Evaluation Tools to Support Community Participation and Decision Making for a Contaminated Site.” Proc. EnviroInfo 2005. 19th International Conference Informatics for Environmental Protection. September, 7 – 9. Networking Environmental Information. Brno, Czech Republic.

Grogan, H.A., J.E. Till, K.R. Meyer, and H.J. Mohler. 2004. “Involving Stakeholders and Tailoring Environmental Databases for Shared Analysis of a Contaminated Site.” Proceedings of the 18th International Conference Informatics for Environmental Protection, Sh@ring, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, October 21-23.

Sumerling, T.J., H.A. Grogan, P. Zuidema, and F. van Dorp. 1993. “Scenario Development for Safety Demonstration for Deep Geological Disposal in Switzerland.” Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference on High-Level Radioactive Waste Management. Las Vegas, Nevada, April 26–30, 1993. American Society of Civil Engineers and the American Nuclear Society.

Smith, G.M. and H.A. Grogan. 1992. “Taking Account of the Biosphere in HLW Assessment.” Proceedings of the Third International Conference on High Level Radioactive Waste Management. Las Vegas, Nevada, April 12–16, 1992. American Society of Civil Engineers and the American Nuclear Society.

Grogan, H.A. and K.J. Worgan. 1991. “Testing Near-Field Models for Deep Disposal.” In Proceedings of the Technical Workshop on Near-Field Performance Assessment for High-Level Waste. Madrid, Spain, October 15–17, 1990. Edited by P. Sellin, M. Apted, and J. Gago. SKB Technical Report 91–59. Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co. Available from Box 5864, S–10248, Stockholm, Sweden.

Zuidema, P., F. van Dorp, H.A. Grogan, and M. Hugi. 1991. “Radioactive Waste Disposal In Switzerland: The Impact of Safety Criteria on Repository Design and Hydrogeological Requirements.”InProceedings Water Resources in Mountainous Regions. Edited by A. Parmaux. Memories of the 22nd Congress of IAH, Vol. XXII Part, GEOLEP–EPFL. CH‑1015 Lausanne.

Grogan, H.A. 1991. “BIOMOVS Contribution to Long Term Radioactive Waste Assessment.” Proceedings of the Symposium on the Validity of Environmental Transfer Models. Stockholm, Sweden., October 1990. Swedish Radiation Protection Institute.

Schenker-Wicki, A., F. van Dorp, and H.A. Grogan. 1988. “The Use of Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) for Evaluating Feasible Countermeasures After an Accidental Release of Radioactivity.” IV Symposium Internationale de Radioécologie Impact des Accidents d’Origine Nucléaire sur l’Environment, March 14–19, Cadarache, France.

Grogan, H.A. and F. van Dorp. 1986. “Modelling the Behaviour of Radionuclides in the Biosphere for the Safety Assessment of a High-Level Waste Repository, First Estimates of Uncertainties.” In CEC Seminar on The Cycling of Long-lived Radionuclides in the Biosphere: Observations and Models. Madrid, Spain, 1986.

Grogan, H.A. and F. van Dorp. 1986. “The Importance of Models for Predicting the Behaviour and Impact of Radionuclides Released to the Environment.” Paper presented at the Symposium Radioaktivitätsmessungen in der Schweiz nach Tschernobyl und ihre wissenschaftliche Interpretation, October 20–24, Bern, Switzerland.

McKinley, I.G., H.A. Grogan, and J.M. West. 1985. “Quantitative Modelling of the Effects of Microorganisms on Radionuclide Transport from a HLW Repository.” Proceedings of the NEA Workshop on the Effects of Natural Organic Compounds and of Microorganisms on Radionuclide Transport. 50–66.

West, J.M., I.G. McKinley, H.A. Grogan, and S.C. Arme. 1985. “Laboratory and Modeling Studies of Microbial Activity in the Near Field of a HLW Repository.” Proceedings of the Stockholm MRS Meeting, Scientific Basis for Radioactive Waste Management, IX., Edited by L.O. Werne. 533–538.

New Mexico Community Foundation. 2011. Contributing Authors; H.J. Mohler, J.E. Till, H.A. Grogan, S. Wolters, E. Archuleta, P. Medvick, S. Price, D. Cuthbertson, R. Rivera. Audit Report: Evaluation of the Completeness and Accuracy of the Environmental Monitoring Data Provided by Los Alamos National Laboratory and the New Mexico Environment Department Oversight Bureau to the RACER Database. Report Prepared by Risk Assessment Corporation for New Mexico Community Foundation. February.

Risk Assessment Corporation (RAC). 2009. Contributing Authors; J.W. Aanenson, H.A. Grogan, B. Jacobs, G.G. Killough, K.R. Meyer, H.J. Mohler, S. Mohler, J.R. Rocco, A.S. Rood, P. Shanahan, E.A. Stetar, L. Hay Wilson, J.E. Till. Risk Analysis, Communication, Evaluation, and Reduction at LANL. Ranking Tool Methodology. RAC Report No. 35-RACER LANL-2008-FINAL. Risk Assessment Corporation. Neeses, South Carolina. April.

Aanenson, J.W., D. Gonzales, H.A. Grogan, S.S. Mohler, J.R. Rocco, E.A. Stetar, L. Hay Wilson, and J E. Till. 2007. Risk Analysis, Communication, Evaluation, and Reduction at LANL. Stakeholder Involvement Summary. RAC Report No. 21-RACER LANL-2007-FINAL. Risk Assessment Corporation. Neeses, South Carolina. September.

Wilson, L.H, J.R. Rocco, S. Mohler, E.A. Stetar, H.A. Grogan, H.J. Mohler, J. Wilson, B. Jacobs, P. G. Voillequé and J E. Till. 2007. Risk Analysis, Communication, Evaluation, and Reduction at LANL. Decision Support Tool Methodology. RAC Report No. 18-RACER LANL-2007-FINAL. Risk Assessment Corporation. Neeses, South Carolina. July.

Stetar, E.A, L.H. Wilson, J.R. Rocco, S. Mohler, H.A. Grogan and J E. Till. 2007. Risk Analysis, Communication, Evaluation, and Reduction at LANL. Focus Group Data Evaluation. RAC Report No. 19-RACER LANL-2007-FINAL. Risk Assessment Corporation. Neeses, South Carolina. July.

Kosson, D., H. Grogan, K. Higley, R. Maddalena, and C. Whipple. 2004. Merit Panel Review of the C-Tank Farm Closure Performance Assessment. Final Report. Submitted to CH2M-Hill Hanford Group, Inc. April 20.

Grogan, H.A., K.R. Meyer, S.S. Mohler, A.S. Rood, P.G. Voillequé, and J.E. Till. 2004. Assessment of Thyroid Doses Received by Specified Individuals from Releases of Iodine-131 from Hanford. In re: Hanford Nuclear Reservation Litigation. Master File No. CY-91-3015-WFN. RAC Report No.14-Hanford Litigation. RAC Expert Report. August 13.

Aanenson, J.W., J. Goldberg, H.A. Grogan, L.H. Wilson, G.G. Killough, K.R. Meyer, H.J. Mohler, S. Mohler, J.R. Rocco, A.S. Rood, P. Shanahan, W.K. Sinclair, C. Slack, E.A. Stetar, J. Wilson, J E. Till. 2004. Risk Analysis, Communication, Evaluation, and Reduction at LANL-Contemporary Risk Assessment: Demonstration of an Integrated Methodology. RAC Report No. 11-RACER LANL-2004-FINAL. Risk Assessment Corporation. Neeses, South Carolina. December.

Mohler, H.J., K.R. Meyer, J.W. Aanenson, and H.A. Grogan. 2002. Analysis of Exposure and Risks to the Public from Radionuclides and Chemicals Released by the Cerro Grande Fire at Los Alamos. Task 3: Calculating and Communicating Risks: Observations and Recommendations. RAC Report No.15-NMED-2001-FINAL(Rev.1). Prepared by Risk Assessment Corporation, Neeses, South Carolina for New Mexico Environment Department, Santa Fe. June 12.

Rood, A.S., J.W. Aanenson, S.S. Mohler, P.D. McGavran, H.J. Mohler, and H.A. Grogan. 2002. Analysis of Exposure and Risks to the Public from Radionuclides and Chemicals Released by the Cerro Grande Fire at Los Alamos. Task 1.7: Final Report on Estimated Risks from Releases to Air. RAC Report No. 3-NMED-2002-FINAL(Rev.1). Prepared by Risk Assessment Corporation, Neeses, South Carolina for New Mexico Environment Department, Santa Fe. June 12.

Mohler, S.S., J.W. Aanenson, H.A. Grogan, L. Hay Wilson, P.D. McGavran, K.R. Meyer, Ph.D., H.J. Mohler, J.R. Rocco, and A.S. Rood. 2002. Analysis of Exposure and Risks to the Public from Radionuclides and Chemicals Released by the Cerro Grande Fire at Los Alamos. Summary Report. RAC Report No. 5-NMED-2002-FINAL. Prepared by Risk Assessment Corporation, Neeses, South Carolina for New Mexico Environment Department, Santa Fe. June 12.

Grogan, H.A., A.S. Rood, J.W. Aanenson, and E.B. Liebow. 2002.  FINAL REPORT A Risk-based Screening Analysis for Radionuclides Released to the Columbia River from Past Activities at the U.S. Department of Energy Nuclear Weapons Site in Hanford, Washington. RAC Report No. 3-CDC-Task Order 7-2000-FINAL. Prepared by Risk Assessment Corporation, Neeses, South Carolina for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta. November.

Till, J.E., Aanenson, J.W., Boelter, P.J., M.C. Case, M. Dreicer, H.A. Grogan, M.O. Langan, P.D. McGavran, K.R. Meyer, R. Meyer, H.J. Mohler, A.S. Rood, R.C. Rope, S.K. Rope, L.A. Stetar, P.G. Voillequé, T.F. Winsor, W. Yang. 2001. Evaluation of Materials Released from the Savannah River Site. Savannah River Site Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project. Phase II: Source Term Calculation and Ingestion Pathway Data Retrieval. RAC Report No.1-CDC-SRS-1999-Final. Final Report.Prepared by Radiological Assessments Corporation, Neeses, South Carolina for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. April.

Grogan, H.A., W.K. Sinclair, and P.G. Voillequé, 2000. Assessing Risks of Exposure to Plutonium. RAC Report No. 5-CDPHE-RFP-1998-FINAL(Rev.2). Prepared by Radiological Assessments Corporation, Neeses, South Carolina for Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. February.

Killough, G. G., A.S. Rood, J.W. Aanenson, K.R. Meyer, H.A. Grogan, W.K. Sinclair, and J.E. Till. 2000. Task 5: Independent Calculation. Radionuclide Soil Action Level Oversight Panel. RAC Report No. 16-RSALOP-RSAL-1999-FINAL. Risk Assessment Corporation. February.

Sumerling, T.J., H.A. Grogan and P.A. Smith. 1999. Scenario Development for Kristallin-1. Nagra Technical Report Series NTB 93–13. CH–5430 Wettingen, Switzerland.
Grogan, H.A., P.D. McGavran, H.R. Meyer, K.R. Meyer, H.J. Mohler, A.S. Rood, W.K. Sinclair, P.G. Voillequé and J.M. Weber. 1999. Technical Summary Report for the Historical Public Exposures Studies for Rocky Flats Phase II. RAC Report No. 14-CDPHE-RFP-1999-FINAL. Prepared by Radiological Assessments Corporation. Neeses, South Carolina for Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.  September.

Meyer, K. R., H.A. Grogan, and J.E. Till. 1999. RAC Responses to Public Questions and Concerns. RAC Report No.12-CDPHE-1999-FINAL. Prepared by Radiological Assessments Corporation, Neeses, South Carolina for Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. August.

Rood, A.S. and H.A. Grogan. 1999. Estimated Exposure and Lifetime Cancer Incidence Risk from 903 Area Plutonium Releases at the Rocky Flats Plant. RAC Report No. 1-CDPHE-RFP-1999-FINAL. Prepared by Radiological Assessments Corporation. Neeses, South Carolina for Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. August.

Rood, A.S. and H.A. Grogan. 1999. Estimated Exposure and Lifetime Cancer Incidence Risk from Plutonium Released from the 1957 Fire at the Rocky Flats Plant. RAC Report No. 2-CDPHE-RFP-1999-FINAL. Prepared by Radiological Assessments Corporation. Neeses, South Carolina for Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. August.

Rood, A.S. and H.A. Grogan. 1999. Estimated Exposure and Lifetime Cancer Incidence Risk from Plutonium Released from the 1969 Fire at the Rocky Flats Plant. RAC Report No. 7-CDPHE-RFP-1999-FINAL. Prepared by Radiological Assessments Corporation. Neeses, South Carolina for Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. August.

Rood, A.S. and H.A. Grogan. 1999. Comprehensive Assessment of Exposure and Lifetime Cancer Incidence Risk from Plutonium Released from the Rocky Flats Plant, 1953–1989. RAC Report No. 13-CDPHE-RFP-1999-FINAL. Prepared by Radiological Assessments Corporation, Neeses, South Carolina for Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. September.

Rope S.K., K.R. Meyer, M.J. Case, H.A. Grogan, D.W. Schmidt, M. Dreicer, T.F. Winsor, and J.E. Till. 1999. Evaluation of Environmental Data for Historical Public Exposures Studies on Rocky Flats. RAC Report No. 1-CDPHE-RFP-1997-FINAL(Rev.1). Prepared by Radiological Assessments Corporation, Neeses, South Carolina for Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. August.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 1998. Issues Related to Estimating Doses Due to I-131 Releases to the Atmosphere from the Hanford Site. Technical Workshop Report. Prepared by H.A. Grogan. RAC Report No. 2-CDC-Task Order 4-1998-FINAL. Radiological Assessments Corporation.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 1996. Calculating and Interpreting Radiological Doses and Risks for Individuals Exposed to Radionuclides Due to Historical Releases from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Technical Workshop Report. Prepared by H.A. Grogan. RAC Report No. 5-CDC-Task Order 2-1996-FINAL. Radiological Assessments Corporation.

Stetar, E.A., M.J. Case, L.W. Bell, H.A. Grogan, K.R. Meyer, H.R. Meyer, S.K. Rope, D.W. Schmidt, T.F. Winsor, and J.E. Till. 1995. Identifying Sources of Environmental Monitoring and Research Data. Savannah River Site Dose Reconstruction Project. RAC Report No. 2 CDC-SRS-95-Final. Radiological Assessments Corporation.

Meyer, K.R., P.D. McGavran, P.G. Voillequé, H.A. Grogan, L.W. Bell, H.R. Meyer, S.K. Rope, and J.E. Till. 1995. Phase I Data Retrieval and Assessment. Evaluation of Materials Released from the Savannah River Site. RAC Report No. 6 CDC-SRS-95-Final. Radiological Assessments Corporation.

Grogan, H.A., M.O. Langan, H.R. Meyer, E.A. Stetar, and J.E. Till. 1995. Identification and Cataloging of Information Sources. Savannah River Site Dose Reconstruction Project. RAC Report No. 3 CDC-SRS-95-Final. Radiological Assessments Corporation.

Watkins, B.M. and H.A. Grogan. 1994. Overview of Information Concerning Microbial Effects on Radioactive Waste Repositories. Nagra Technical Report Series NTB 93–40. CH–5430 Wettingen, Switzerland.

Grogan, H.A., K.R. Meyer, P.G. Voillequé, S.K. Rope, M.J. Case, H.R. Meyer, R.E. Moore, T. Winsor, and J.E. Till. 1994. Verification of Phase I Source Term & Uncertainty Estimates.Final Task 2 Report prepared by Radiological Assessments Corporation for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

Little, R.H., C. Torres, D. Charles, H.A. Grogan, I. Simon, G.M. Smith, T.J. Sumerling, and B.M. Watkins. 1993. Post-Disposal Safety Assessment of Toxic and Radioactive Waste: Waste Types, Disposal Practices, Disposal Criteria, Assessment Methods and Post-Disposal Impacts. EUR 14627 EN. Commission of the European Communities. ISBN 92-826-5610-1, Luxembourg.

Grogan, H.A., K.J. Worgan, G.M. Smith, and D.P. Hodgkinson. 1992. Post–Disposal Implications of Gas Generated from Low and Intermediate Level Wastes. Nagra Technical Report Series NTB 92–07. CH–5430 Wettingen, Switzerland.

Grogan, H.A., D. Charles, and G.M. Smith. 1991. An Outline Methodology for Comparative Assessment of Environmental Impacts from Landfilled Wastes. DoE Report No. DOE/HMIP/RR/91/058. Available from Romney House, 43 Marsham Street, London SW1P 3PY, United Kingdom.

Baeyens, B., H.A. Grogan, and F. van Dorp. 1991. Biosphere Modelling for a Deep Radioactive Repository: Treatment of the Groundwater–Soil Pathway. PSI Technical Report PSI Bericht Nr. 98. CH–5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland.

Grogan, H.A., B. Baeyens, H. Müller, and F. van Dorp. 1991. Biosphere Modelling for a Deep Radioactive Repository: Site–Specific Consideration of the Groundwater–Soil Pathway. PSI Technical Report PSI Bericht Nr. 99. CH–5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland.

Stenhouse, M.J. and H.A. Grogan. 1991. Review of Reactions of Hydrogen and Methane in the Geosphere and Biosphere. Nirex Safety Series Report, NSS/R262. Available from UK Nirex Ltd, Curie Ave, Harwell, Oxon, OX11 0RH, United Kingdom.

Grindrod, P., M.J. Williams, H.A. Grogan, and M.D. Impey. 1990. STRENG: A Source Term Model for Vitrified High Level Waste. Nagra Technical Report Series NTB 90–48. CH–5430 Wettingen, Switzerland.

Grogan, H.A., ed. 1989. BIOMOVS Technical Report 6 – Scenario B2: Irrigation with Contaminated Groundwater. National Institute of Radiation Protection, Box 60204, S‑10401 Stockholm, Sweden.

Grogan, H.A. and I.G. McKinley. 1989. An Approach to Microbiological Modelling Application to the Near–Field of a Swiss Low/Intermediate Level Waste Repository. Nagra Technical Report Series NTB 86–09. CH–5430 Wettingen, Switzerland

Grogan, H.A. and F. van Dorp. 1986. BIOMOVS Test Scenario Model Comparison Using BIOPATH. EIR Bericht Nr. 599, CH–5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland. Nagra Technical Report Series NTB 86–23. CH–5430 Wettingen, Switzerland.

Grogan, H.A. 1985. “Biosphere Modeling.” EIR Bulletin Nr. 56 23. CH–5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland.

Grogan, H.A. 1985. Concentration Ratios for BIOPATH: Selection of the Soil-to-Plant Concentration Ratio Database. EIR Bericht Nr. 575, CH–5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland. Nagra Technical Report Series NTB 85–16. CH–5430 Wettingen, Switzerland.

Grogan, H.A. 1985. Biosphere Modelling of a HLW Repository – Scenario and Parameter Variations. EIR Bericht Nr. 561, CH–5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland. Nagra Technical Report Series NTB 85–48. CH–5430 Wettingen, Switzerland.

McKinley, I.G., J.M. West, and H.A. Grogan. 1985. An Analytical Overview of the Consequences of Microbial Activity in a Swiss HLW Repository. EIR Bericht Nr. 562, CH–5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland. Nagra Technical Report Series NTB 85–43. CH–5430 Wettingen, Switzerland.

Grogan, H.A., J.N.B. Bell, M.J. Minski, and S. Nair. 1984. An Experimental Study of the Time Dependence of Uptake from Soil of Cs–137, Ru–106, Ce–144, and Tc–99 into Green Vegetables, Wheat and Potatoes. CEGB Report TPRD/B/0416/N84. Berkeley Nuclear Laboratories, Berkeley, Glos, GL13 9PB, United Kingdom.

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